Fussy Friend? How to entice your dog or to eat a new food

Lot’s of dogs and cats are fussy eaters. Especially cats (who believe it or not are slightly autistic and get confused by a new food).

If you know you’re feeding something good and healthy, like a meaty bone, then here’s some methods to stimulate the appetite and encourage eating in finicky or sick pets:

Yummy ThingProsCons
Soups, broths or stockCan add flavour and variety to any type of meal.Choose salt-reduced, MSG free, and onion free   formulas.
Raw or cooked meatsHigh quality nutrition as nature intended!Calcium, vitamin A, or other deficiency   possible with long term use without balancing the diet using raw meaty bones,   vegetables, fruits, oils and supplements.
Canned fish in spring water:  salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, anchoviesGreat for cats! Great for dogs!Can be high sodium (salt). Larger fish such as salmon and mackerel can be high in toxins and heavy metals.
Liver (cooked or raw)Great nutrition!Only feed once or twice a week. Can worsen feline bladder problems.
Tamari (Organic Soy Sauce) – 2-3 drops on top of mealA favourite of cats.High sodium (salt). Please choose a brand that does not contain MSG.
Parmesan or other grated cheeseA favourite of both dogs and cats.High sodium (salt).
CatnipA favourite of cats.Hallucinogenic. May cause cat to roll in food rather than eat it.
Dairy products – cottage cheese, kefir, yogurtLow in lactose, great source of calcium. High fat   varieties may help with underweight pets.Choose low-fat options for maintenance diet.
Brewer’s (nutritional) yeastHigh in B vitamins.Can worsen bladder, digestive, or skin/ear problems.
How to get a fussy dog (or cat) to eat

Please note that some appetite stimulants can create problems, even when used in appropriate quantities for short periods.  Anything containing high levels of sodium can be addictive. Some may not be suitable for your pet.  Remember, the best way to decide on these is to weigh the pros against the cons.  Though all of these have been used safely on many pets, please use them at your own risk.  Please use common sense or consult your pet health professional when trying new foods, and introduce any changes slowly.

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