Surf & Snort for Dogs

Surf & Snort for Dogs
This is a rendition of Surf 'n' Turf, but using the cheaper (but still tasty) alternative or pork mince. Adding sardines to your dog's diet at least once or twice a week will offer them essential oils for heart health and wellbeing, packed with omega 3 & 6.
- 500 g human grade pork mince
- 100 g lamb or chicken livers
- 100 g canned sardines in spring water
- 300 g mixed veggies, fruit and herbs (bunch bok choy, carrot, zucchini, berries, apple parsley, mint, rosemary) or 75g of supplement mix
- 150 ml warm water = 300g rehydrated veg, fruit and herbs
- Wash and trim vegetables, fruit and herbs.
- Place in food processor and pulp to a mush.
- Add meat and organs, mix with vegetables.
- Gently cook (if you want to).
- Feed to your dog!
All fresh food recipes for dogs and cats use the same basic (and really simple) method. Each recipe will make approximately 1kg of food which may be frozen in portions. If you’re unsure about feeding raw food to your pet then all recipes may be gently cooked.